Knowledge Base / Rockwell In-chassis / ControlLogix / MVI56 Series / MVI56-PDPMV1

What do I do if I suspect that my MVI56-PDPMV1 master GSD file is corrupted?

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If you are experiencing difficulty with the MVI56-PDPMV1 master configuration, you may have a corrupted GSD file. This can happen if you have up-graded your copy of Prosoft Configuration Builder (PCB) from a fairly old version to the latest version. Typical symptoms of a corrupted master GSD file are:

1. The PROFIBUS configuration utility reports errors when no slave devices have been added to the network.

2. The PROFIBUS utility will not permit changing parameters in the master GSD file.

3. The PROFIBUS utility reports "Total TTR Out of Range" error.

To recover:

1.  Download the latest version of ProSoft Configuration Builder from here: 

2.  Uninstall ProSoft Configuration Builder from your computer

3.  Install the new version of PoSoft Configuration Builder on your computer. This will load a clean copy of the GSD database with the correct GSD files.