Knowledge Base / Rockwell In-chassis / ControlLogix / MVI56E Series / MVI56E-DNPNET

Changing the amount of data returned by class 0 polls as a server

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The amount of data the MVI56E-DNPNET returns, when functioning as a server and polled for all its data (class 0 poll) by a client is determined by the sizes of the DNPNET_DNP_Input_Database and the DNPNET_DNP_Output_Database UDTs (User-defined Data Types). Be aware that as Binarys are stored in arrays of decimals, the minimum size is 16 binaries (array size 1). Also be aware that the UDTs can only be changed when offline, and that the module must be rebooted (warm boot will suffice) after the UDT sizes are changing for the changes to take effect.

Additionally, re-sizing in this manner was not supporting by the original Add-On Instruction, if you are having trouble getting this process to work and you are not running the latest AOI, it is strongly recommended that you update to an AOI of rev 1.3 or greater and firmware version 1.06 or greater.