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Why is the FTView application not getting any data from the AN-X2-AB-DHRIO Gateway running the RIO HMI firmware?

There are several reasons as to why the FactoryTalk View application may not be able to communicate to the AN-X2-AB-DHRIO gateway when running the AB Remote I/O HMI firmware.  This article will discuss some of the most common reasons as to why the communication is not occurr...

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Does the AN-X(2)-AB-DHRIO gateway running the RIO HMI firmware support multiple block transfers to the same Rack, Group, and Slot?

Yes it can support HMI applications where multiple BTRs and/or BTWs are mapped to the same Rack, Group, and Slot number. To configure the gateway to accept multiple BTRs or BTWs to the same Rack, Group, and Slot Number, it is necessary to add the BtByLen keyword into the configur...

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