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Transform Your Water and Wastewater Application’s Connectivity

21 août, 2024 / Points techniques

Legacy connectivity in water and wastewater operations includes two major communication...

Benefits of Automation in Material Handling Applications

01 août, 2024 / Points techniques

Adding industrial automation to material handling applications holds many benefits, and...

How Utilities Benefit from Remote Connectivity

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For utilities, remote connectivity offers the potential to limit field visits, reduce d...

New Updates Add (Even More) Versatility to AN-X4 Modernization Gateway

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Recently, ProSoft’s Modernization Gateway got two new firmware updates to add to its us...

Using Wireless in Automated Logistics Applications

By Brian Allport – Global Business Development Manager catégorie Points techniques, Manutention des matériaux Logistics Sans-fil

In product-driven businesses like those found in manufacturing, ecommerce, and even food and beverage, product quality, shipping speed, and cost are all focal points for the customer. As such, logistics automation for warehouses and distribution centers is becoming more critical to the core operations of businesses in these industries. Wireless communication is key to the success of these logistics applications.

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Wireless in Food and Beverage Applications

By Brian Allport – Global Business Development Manager catégorie Points techniques, Food and Beverage Sans-fil

The use of standardized control systems (for food and beverage manufacturers) and machines (OEMs) requires a similar connectivity that’s not tied to a specific industrial protocol and can be easily scaled. OT technologies in particular require a robust connection – in many cases, industrial 802.11 wireless radios are used.

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Wireless in the Water and Wastewater Industry

By Lauren Robeson Menting – Global Communications Specialist catégorie Points techniques, Eaux usées Gestion des eaux Sans-fil

Connectivity in widespread water and wastewater applications can present challenges that are unique to the industry. Wireless and protocol solutions can help.

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Wireless and Factory Automation Applications

By Lauren Robeson Menting – Global Communications Specialist catégorie Points techniques, Manutention des matériaux Accès à distance Sans-fil

In Part 2 of this series, we examine how wireless solutions keep logistics equipment connected to the rest of the facility in factory automation applications.

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Got Wireless?

By Lauren Robeson Menting – Global Communications Specialist catégorie Points techniques, Sans-fil

You may not think about it much when you’re not at work, but automation plays a role in everyone’s day-to-day life, regardless of their profession. And wireless technology helps make those automation applications perform seamlessly.

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Garantir la sécurité des connexions à distance

By Myles Heinekey - Regional Sales Manager catégorie Points techniques, Accès à distance

Votre machine a été livrée, installée et mise en service par le fabricant. Le certificat de cyber sécurité pour la connectivité à distance du vendeur est affiché sur votre mur, mais le temps a passé et le certificat est devenu obsolète : de nouvelles menaces et des problèmes de patchs sont apparus [...]

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